Thursday, March 15, 2012

Rick Santorum: "Raped Women Should Accept The Gift of A Child" - VIDEO LINK
Rick Santorum To Puerto Rico: "Speak English If You Want Statehood"
Rick Santorum's natal chart: the emphasis is on the Sun/Nessus conjunction in Taurus. This is actually Sun square Chiron and conjunct Nessus. Santorum’s sense of self, his expressive abilities, his male ego are all caught in a square of two centaurs, which implies compromise or sacrifice in some kind. This is someone who lives life as a conventional, security-seeking individual convinced of his own ‘rightness’.  In the sign of Taurus Sun/Nessus is about inflicting his values on everyone else. His self-righteousness comes from the sense of being wounded, either real or imagined (Sun square Chiron).
His inner conflicts arise from natal Uranus-Neptune square, part of a cycle that comes rarely — about every 35 years. Neptune in intense, sexual Scorpio is lost in its own spiritual fog suppressing some other reality that lies beneath. Additionally, his Uranus in Leo would tear the lid off in order to freely express from the heart  therefore Santorum turns to the structured world of Saturn in Sagittarius, expressed as a set of rigid moral behaviors and beliefs.
The natal narrative has feminine Venus/Eris conjunction trining Uranus located squarely in the sign of ‘I Am’. Eris is the castaway woman symbolizing the jealous element of the psyche that wants control over everyone. When that energy is constructively expressed, Eris represents the part of the psyche who speaks truth to power against an overarching patriarchy. 
                                     Excerpts from Essay – by Justine Rowinski with Eric Francis

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